Neoteric Brass Mouthpieces for Trumpets and Cornets

My Story

I have been practising and, with the blessing of Jerry and Bahb, teaching the virtuoso “Tongue Controlled” Embouchure System since 2012. In 2019 I brought out my first mouthpiece, the TCE-RC and it was a good seller. I used it exclusively in my professional freelance playing for two years. Following Brexit and the lock-downs of 2020 I decided to stop making these mouthpieces but as one door closed another opened – Shortly after I was approached by Doug McVey from Vennture Mouthpieces. Following the death of Jerry Callet we were both concerned that there was nobody out there making equipment for those learning Superchops and TCE. Although it’s a small niche, I get emails every week from people around the world curious about this way of developing your chops. At first we brought out two models, Legacy and Artiste, and again I used them exclusively in my performances and recordings.
In 2023 I decided to create a mouthpiece inspired by a Callet classic and the result is the CJ Mod (Callet JAZZ Modernised/Modified). This has quickly become my favourite mouthpiece and happy customers have told me the same! With the help of Michael Barkley in Northern Ireland I have since released a mouthpiece for Cornet, Principal, which has become popular with players in my local area.

Design Considerations

In designing the Neoteric Brass line of mouthpieces there have been a number of important decisions to make. My first aim is to provide equipment that will enable trumpet and cornet players to study and advance using the TCE technique, as taught by Bahb Civiletti and developed through years of collaboration with Jerome Callet. But, Neoteric Brass trumpet and cornet mouthpieces are not exclusively for practitioners of the TCE system, they’re for everybody! They are designed to be efficient and when used properly will assist anyone to play more relaxed, to play with centered pitch, to improve note production, to boost stamina and as a result – improve range.

A secondary goal is to create mouthpieces that are not simply my tweaked versions of standard, traditional equipment. These mouthpieces are different! I won’t sell you a Bach 3C with the throat drilled out for $350, unlike some other companies…

How are they suited for TCE specifically?

In general the TCE technique can be used with any trumpet equipment, but there are two important points that also need to be considered:

1) The TCE puts a premium on efficient use of air and playing with a relaxed embouchure. As a result, practitioners of the TCE do not find it necessary to use a large mouthpiece cup volume in order to play with an appropriate characteristic trumpet sound.

2) In order to learn the discipline of the TCE, using a mouthpiece that requires you to follow its priciples is a huge advantage. Simply put – if the equipment won’t allow you to play incorrectly then you’ll have to stop doing it!

With these things in mind the size of the mouthpiece has been chosen for you – an unusual approach, I know! After more than twenty-five years of listening to the advice and rhetoric of other brass players and so-called experts, the folklore and false logic have been replaced with an understanding that is scientifically sound, and demonstrably functional.


All Neoteric Brass mouthpieces feature the same rim that was originally designed by Dominick Calicchio and discovered by Jerome Callet around 2007. It is a fairly broad and flat rim. The diameter of the mouthpieces is 0.633”, with a varience of 0.001” dependent on the choice of cup shape.
Get a good look at the rim by clicking on the photo at the top of the page.


Throat sizes have been chosen to encourage a clear vibrant sound whilst not making you work hard to get it. This means that your trumpet sound will occupy the correct part of the audio spectrum and as such blend appropriately with an ensemble. The compliments I receive from non-brass-playing musicians (i.e. the unindoctrinated) are a constant reminder that this is the correct path. I have been hired by bands instead of other trumpet players as a direct result of chasing the true trumpet sound and not a dull, spread tone. In 2012 I was told by Jerome Callet that this would happen and I am happy that I chose to believe him.


Tech Specs

Click on any pictures to see full size.

Purchase Options for one or two mouthpieces:
To buy three or more then please get in touch via email for prices.